Delicious Berry Blast Breakfast Smoothie!

This little glass of “Berry Goodness” is so easy to make and tastes heavenly! I had it for breakfast today.



  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 3/4 cup mixed frozen blueberries and strawberries
  • 1 heaping scoop of protein powder


Place coconut milk, blueberries, strawberries and shake mix in blender; puree. Serve immediately- it’s that easy!

Enjoy! 🙂

3 Reasons Why You Should be Spending More Time in Nature


I stumbled across this beautiful place on my way home from The City of Burlington.            Location: Burlington, Ontario – Zarbuft S. Mayo

1. Enchances sense of vitality.

Studies show that spending time in nature increase your levels of energy. When you are outside, you awaken your senses. When you surround yourself by the colors, smells and sounds of all the living beings in nature, you literally feel life all around you. And as a result, you feel more alive! 🙂


Rose Garden. Happy with soo many roses!  – Zarbuft S. Mayo

2. Natural environments increase resilience to stress.

Researchers have found that the individuals who view natural scenes showed faster physical recovery from the effects of stress than subjects who viewed urban scenes. Going outdoors may just be the most natural remedy there is for all different kinds of healing.


Art Gallery in a Garden. – Zarbuft S. Mayo

3. Adding nature to your work-outs 

You may be aware that exercise produces endorphins and boosts your mood. But when you add nature to the equation, we’ve got a whole new level of natural mood-boosting!

Studies show that exercising outdoors improved participants’ moods and self-esteem after just five minutes. It showed lower blood pressure and heart rate, lower ratings of pain, anxiety, and fatigue, and fewer doses of pain medication when compared to patients who did not have plants.


So beautiful! – Zarbuft S. Mayo

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” – John Muir


Gorgeous. – Zarbuft S. Mayo

Re-energizing for the Day

I love making heart-healthy smoothies. Apart from just getting to enjoy a cup of goodness with our loved ones, giving our body a detox once in awhile also helps increase energy levels and boosts metabolism! Here’s a detoxifying and energizing “Greeny Goodness” I made this morning for my family:

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  • Fresh organic berries from your local Farmers Market:
    • 1/2 cup strawberries,
    • ¼ cup blue berries,
    • ¼ cranberries
  • 2 Bananas
  • 2 cups Kale
  • 1 cup Spinach
  • 2 Apples (cored and chopped)
  • 2 scoops Protein Powder (great choice after a work-out!)
  • Optional: Mint leaves

Note: Simply add water or your favourite juice flavour as a liquid-base to enrich taste.

Enjoy! 🙂